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1.5.3 sample options window [up] [down]

This windows allows to modify options for the sample windows, which are described in detail below :
gadget description
Drawmode With this cycle button you can choose how the sample should be drawn. Available are the following modes :
  • 1. Lines
  • 2. Dots
  • 3. DotAbs
  • 4. Filled
  • 5. FilledAbs
  • 6. FilledHQ (very exact, but slow)
Loop For switching the loop on or off.
Storage Herewith you can specify, if a sample should be keept in memory or swapped to harddisk. SoundFX normally decides this automatically. This can come handy, when you don't need a sample for a while and want to free that memory for other samples.
Channel Determines which channel should be displayed in the window (makes only sense with stereo/quadro samples). Each button corresponds to one channel. Following operations will be limited to these channels only.
Raster X/Y With these checkboxes you can disable the drawing of the raster. This speeds up the drawing.
Axis X/Y And with those you can disable the axis. This enlarges the drawing space for the waveform.
Unit X/Y These gagets are for choosing the unit to be used for each axis. These units will also be used by the status bar.
MaxLines These lines show the maximum volume of a sample.
RMSLines The rms-lines show you the real accoustic volume of a sample. Calculating this and also the next may take a while (for long samples).
AvgLines And these lines show the average volume.
QuickDraw If this is selected, the drawing of raster and Max-,RMS-, Avg-lines will be left out during scrolling.
SLen Here you can change the length of the sample. This is necessary should you want to for example do a 'Echo' effect on a short sample that is supposed to be longer than the sample itself. Simply enter desired length and SFX will add the empty section you requested, giving you the room you need for the effects stuff.
SPer To change the playback rate you can choose one of these three options
popup-button Will put you into the period choice window. The results are then entered into the gadgets at the right.
rate gadget Change the playback rate 'directly' by entering the rate in Hz. Higher rates give you higher pitches. 8000 to 48000 would constitute normal playback rates. The gadget next to ours will display the note (as seen in trackers) after entering the playback rate. If there is no note equivalent to the period a '---' string is shown.
note gadget Here you can enter a desired note, which must comply with this :
  • 1. char : key="C,D,E,F,G,A,H"
  • 2. char : white keys="-", black keys="#"
  • 3. char : octave="0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7"
examples : "C#3", "E-0", "H-7"
SFX will display the period (protracker) for the choosen note in the corresponding gadget.
If you change the rate during the active-buffer plays, you will hear the changes immediately.

Further you can change the strings, which are saved with the sample in some file formats.

A click at "Okay" closes the window and one at "Reset" restores the default settings.

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© by Stefan Kost 1993-2001